

Apr 27, 2023

What to do if your vehicle loses traction on wintry roads

by: Alexis Loya, Nexstar Media Wire

Posted: Nov 26, 2022 / 08:01 AM PST

Updated: Nov 26, 2022 / 08:01 AM PST

(WTAJ) – Nearly 900 people are killed on average in vehicle crashes during snowfall or sleet every year, according to the Department of Transportation, so what do you do if you start to lose control of the vehicle?

While it's important to prepare ahead of time, even the most well-equipped drivers can lose control on sloppy, snowy and icy roads. That's why it's important to know before you go on what to do in the event your car loses traction and starts sliding.

Tires are created to maintain constant contact with the ground, so when wintery weather conditions occur, the likelihood of your tires gripping the road's surface is decreased. This makes it easy to lose traction and fishtail/slide as your tires lose their grip. Slides can also happen due to driver errors, such as driving too fast, overconfidence, over-braking, over-steering and over-accelerating.

It can be a scary feeling once your vehicle starts spinning. However, Dan Robinson with Ice Road Safety, whose mission is to reduce the number of accidents caused by road icing, demonstrated exactly what you need to do.

Here is a video by Robinson that demonstrates how to properly correct a slide.

Winter storms are inevitable, and drivers are bound to experience some sort of sliding eventually. However, AAA suggested some of the following to try to reduce your chances of losing control.

Tires Les Schwab and Nationwide each gave a handful of tips on what to do if you find yourself in a pile of snow, as well.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation recommends you pack the following in your car:

Finally, make sure you check the forecast before you head out. Knowing how icy the roads are and if there is an incoming storm later in the day can be the difference between making it home and getting stranded, or worse.

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Don't panic: Take your foot off the gas: Don't apply your brakes: Steer into the skid: Drive slow: Accelerate slowly: Don't slam on brakes: Don't stop if you can avoid it: Don't power up hills: Don't use cruise control: Fill your tank: Get winter tires: Clear a path around the tires: Rock your car free of snow: Don't floor the gas: Add traction under the tires: Give it a push: