

Jun 15, 2023

Drag queen Brigitte Bidet hosts free Drag Bingo on Sundays at Politan Row in Colony Square

City Lights Staff | WABE

May 9th, 2023

There are many activities you can enjoy on weekends in Atlanta. You can take in a matinee, a walk on the BeltLine, or … go to a free Drag Bingo event at Politan Row in Colony Square.

At a time in our nation when drag performers have come under fire, drag shows and brunches are still spreading joy and cultivating positive attitudes toward drag entertainers.

Brigitte Bidet is an emcee, showgirl, drag superstar and the hostess of Drag Bingo at Politan Row. She also was recently crowned the winner of the Atlanta All-Stars Drag competition — an 8-week contest featuring some of the city's best entertainers.

In this interview, "City Lights" host Lois Reitzes spoke with Bidet about her work, challenges and successes.

Politan Row in Colony Square holds Drag Bingo every Sunday from 1-3 p.m. It is free for all ages. More information is available here.

May 9, 2023

May 8, 2023

May 5, 2023